I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Jewel's birthday party. 200411. my life is average. illusions. bittersweet. toys. first impressions. should i confess? feelings. happy birthday, lise-argh. ♥ ESS ARR PEE. >:C

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
12:24 AM
hello cuties. :)

first of all, i forgot to upload some of the photos from jewel's party, so here;
i took the first one at the park and the rest at the station while i was going home. it was really dark by the time i got home. :l
[klik ze fotoz to make zem bigger.]


anyway, i had quite a lovely day today. :3
woke up at 7:20 and went to olympic park with christabel, ananda and michelle tsang to take photos for the geography assignment. hehe.
took around 90 photos. (Y) i shall edit and upload them... later. =w=b
i miss our school groupie already. ):

oh and i changed my blog song from 'a bitter day' to 'by chance (you&i)' because the videos of her song kept getting taken down by youtube for copyright reasons... :l

also, i got my hair permanently straightened today~ it took 3 hours and 100$ (yay for discounts), but i guess it was worth it. i'm quite happy with the results. it looks like the last time when i got my hair straightened (but not permanently) so i'm too lazy to take photos and upload them. i'll just use the ones i got last time. :3

i also saw jacky while i was walking home today. i was walking with my head down and listening to music and he walked past and jumped in front of me and said "HAAAAAAAAAAAI." hahah, it made me smile. o3o;

oh and i've been addicted to playing 'Just Dance 1' & 'Just Dance 2' on the Wii lately. it's so much fun. hahaha. prepare for professional dancing. >8O
click [here] for the facebook link. ;3
blogger wouldn't let me upload it for some reason. .__.

i should also stop eating instant noodles, i've had one every day. i'm lazy it's convenient. 8D

if you would like the encryption key, send me an email (floreyxrawr@gmail.com) and don't go around spreading the key. i would appreciate it if that was kept quiet. thanks.

society seems to be designed to reject gays/lesbians/bisexuals and i think that it's really really wrong. they don't deserve any less respect than the more common heterosexual couples. it makes me really mad.

if you would like to talk to me, email me? i would love to talk to someone about it. thank you lisa for being my email pal and talking to me. i hope that i've helped you too. o:

i seem to have a habit of making my blogpost titles one word&a full stop. :l

i still don't want to write my to-do list yet... i don't want to go old. ):
if year 10 is going to be this stressful, i don't know what's going to happen to me in year 12.

anyway, have a lovely day. :]
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