hello cuties. :]
first of all, turn up the volume and listen to my blog music. that song is beautiful. (a bitter day- hyuna, ft. junhyung and g.na)
ehehhe. i have finally been bothered to edit&uplod these photos. it's been 2.5 months. :l
i procrastinate the things i love doing (editing photos), why would i ever even consider getting started early on the things i don't like to do ? (studying, homework, etc.)
anyway, the day was extremely lovely. i still remember quite clearly. :)
the dress code was 'something that i wouldn't normally wear.' i wore a pink shirt. LOL. it was my mum's, i don't own any pink shirts apart from pajama ones. =w= i don't have anything against pink, it's just that it's not my style. ;p
so, i took the train all the way to hurstville and i met up with the whole group at hurstville train station. when everyone arrived, we all received a piece of paper, the top of it read "Photo scavenger list". ahhah, it was going to be a fun day. o:
so basically, we get a time limit of (i think it was) 1.5 hours and we had to take a photo of the following things from that list; we managed to get every one of them except for the helping someone hold shopping bags, a salesmen named Tom, the toilet seat with pee on it, painting nails and no-one got doing a leap. i'm not gonna bother uploading all the photos, if you want to check them out, find the 'jewel's party' album on my facebook. i'll just upload the entertaining ones here. :3 again, click the photos to enlarge.
@myer, extremely awkward cause i had to check if there were people staring at me. o3o
the ugly shirt. :l it looks like there's vomit all over it. D:
we found a person from city beach willing to do a human pyramid with us. it was so weird asking her, hehe. we only had 3 mins left and we were like, "OH COME ON, PLEASE. WE FINISH IN 3 MINUTES. IT WON'T BE HARD. PLEASEEEEEEE." "...But, i'm working." "Oh, PLEASEEE? D:" "OK, FINE." "YESSSSS. thank you thank you thank you" hahahha. ;'D
on the way to the park. :D
the group photo. :3
hello susie. C:
mango cheesecake, omg. /starts breathing heavily.
hahahah, michelle meng. o:
it was a lovely day. :3
and the food and people were lovely too. heheh.
and about my holiday to-do list, i don't want to think about it yet, so yeah. i'll write it, later. and you know, complete it, later... like tomorrow. yeah. that.
hehe. byebye. :3
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