I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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my life is average. illusions. bittersweet. toys. first impressions. should i confess? feelings. happy birthday, lise-argh. ♥ ESS ARR PEE. >:C 20 things. +short update.

Sunday, July 3, 2011
6:08 PM
hello cuties. :]

first of all, turn up the volume and listen to my blog music. that song is beautiful. (a bitter day- hyuna, ft. junhyung and g.na)

ehehhe. i have finally been bothered to edit&uplod these photos. it's been 2.5 months. :l
i procrastinate the things i love doing (editing photos), why would i ever even consider getting started early on the things i don't like to do ? (studying, homework, etc.)

anyway, the day was extremely lovely. i still remember quite clearly. :)
the dress code was 'something that i wouldn't normally wear.' i wore a pink shirt. LOL. it was my mum's, i don't own any pink shirts apart from pajama ones. =w=  i don't have anything against pink, it's just that it's not my style. ;p

so, i took the train all the way to hurstville and i met up with the whole group at hurstville train station. when everyone arrived, we all received a piece of paper, the top of it read "Photo scavenger list". ahhah, it was going to be a fun day. o:

so basically, we get a time limit of (i think it was) 1.5 hours and we had to take a photo of the following things from that list; we managed to get every one of them except for the helping someone hold shopping bags, a salesmen named Tom, the toilet seat with pee on it, painting nails and no-one got doing a leap. i'm not gonna bother uploading all the photos, if you want to check them out, find the 'jewel's party' album on my facebook. i'll just upload the entertaining ones here. :3 again, click the photos to enlarge.

@myer, extremely awkward cause i had to check if there were people staring at me. o3o

the ugly shirt. :l it looks like there's vomit all over it. D:

we found a person from city beach willing to do a human pyramid with us. it was so weird asking her, hehe. we only had 3 mins left and we were like, "OH COME ON, PLEASE. WE FINISH IN 3 MINUTES. IT WON'T BE HARD. PLEASEEEEEEE." "...But, i'm working." "Oh, PLEASEEE? D:" "OK, FINE." "YESSSSS. thank you thank you thank you" hahahha. ;'D

on the way to the park. :D

the group photo. :3

hello susie. C:

mango cheesecake, omg. /starts breathing heavily.

hahahah, michelle meng. o:

it was a lovely day. :3
and the food and people were lovely too. heheh.

and about my holiday to-do list, i don't want to think about it yet, so yeah. i'll write it, later. and you know, complete it, later... like tomorrow. yeah. that.

hehe. byebye. :3
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