I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Disappointment. Chance. Jewel's birthday party. 200411. my life is average. illusions. bittersweet. toys. first impressions. should i confess? feelings.

Sunday, July 10, 2011
11:57 PM
my saturday was really really good. o:
i attended the second sydney cosplay flash mob with shing, erica, rachelle, erica, erica's friend, devina and later yujun and leroy joined us. o:
for those who don't know, the cosplay flash mob is an event where people cosplay and we listen to an MP3 and do everything it tells us to. basically it is an event that embarrasses the crap out of ourselves, but it's fun. :D
to be honest, the first one seemed more fun. the MP3 was more epic, there were less breaks. o:
but yeah, it was still fun nonetheless.
i reckon the best part of the MP3 this time was when we were had to kneel in front of an inanimate object (lamp, bench, pole) and scream "WHY?" and yeah make up stuff like "you were so beautiful, jimmy. ;)"
most of our group ended up kneeling in front of a bench. "why were you so beautiful, your wood is so smooth and brown. like omg. D:
yeah, we looked pretty retarded. ^__^

anyway, after that, we had our photoshoots. :D
i wasn't really bothered taking photos that day since there were around 10 photographers. so yeah, i stole photos off them, but dw, i shall credit. :3
all credit goes to martin huang for taking these photos~
i took photos too and there are definitely more photos but yeah, these are the ones for now. ;3

getting ready to start. :3

praying to ze bench. haha @ shing's face. 


rachelle is not perverted. at all. ;) hahah, i love youuuuu<3. [photo stolen from erica.]

point silently to the sky everyone. :3 heheh, i see wendy park. she's the cutie cow<3. hehe. i can't wait to stalk her at SMASH! C:
haruhi pose #2. ^__^

OMG STEVIE THE RILAKKUMAAAAAAAAAAAAA<3 [he's next to the black rock shooter girl. o;]

/eats grass. =w=



after flashmob, we all went to botanical gardens and took heaps of photos. i also got my photo shoot done. took ages cause the photographer dude wanted us in the perfect pose with the perfect lighting. o:
i still have to stalk him on fb so i can get the photos. ;3
most of the photos i took are of the scenery so yeah, i will edit&upload them later. o:

we ended up running to catch the free shuttle bus (it was hectic running across the road and yeah, erica (kanda) wore like 10cm platform boots) and yeah, ting and the others ended up getting on the bus too. o:
after a while, rachelle and erica and erica etc. got off and me and shing went to central. we got off and went to caps. ;p
wasted some more money on the claw machines and took some purikara. but the machine was crap. ):
the backgrounds looked dodgy and i haven't been bothered to scan them yet. so i shall do those later as well. (procrastination to ze max.)
went shopping for a while and we saw anna (hello anna tong. :3) and yeah, went home after that.

got home and then it was time for my brother's getting-into-selective-school party. o_o
pizza, kfc, mafia, cards, jenga, twister, wii, just dance, murder in the dark, maplestory and calvin's stupid autontuned songs pretty much sums the night up. C:

felt pretty depressed after remembering what someone told me, but i guess i'm alright now. can't really do much about it anyway. ;l
i'm so shitted for school. if you scroll down to the bottom of my blog, there is a to-do list. i still haven't started on any of my school things yet. i was supposed to finish my geography task yesterday. i still haven't started. i'm so screwed. plus, i have tutoring on tuesday, work tmrw, harry potter @ imax on thursday, SMASH! on saturday (hehehe, most of the people that went to flash mob are also going to SMASH. ^__^) and yeah. did i mention i'm screwed ? .__.

my facebook wall is getting spammed from posts from people that went to flash mob. hooray. :D

have a lovely day cuties. ;3
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