I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Life. Us. Oh baby say yes. FlashMob. Disappointment. Chance. Jewel's birthday party. 200411. my life is average. illusions. bittersweet.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
4:54 PM
I'm so just angry and fed up with almost everything that happened today. There are just so many things I want, and knowing that I can't get them makes me so fucking annoyed.

To you;
Why does it feel like you're avoiding me? Maybe you aren't, but you don't even wait for me after class anymore.
I feel slightly awkward around you, I really didn't want it to end up like this. I really want to talk to you, but I keep waiting for you to talk to me first. But.. It never happens. I don't know what you're thinking, I don't know what I should do.

Ugh, I really really hate you. Last time, I had to go to SMASH (an anime convention) on Saturday and you guys told me to work on that day. I told you that I couldn't work but you said I had to turn up. You told me to write down in the diary when I couldn't work one week earlier. Well, I didn't even know I had to work until the day you told me, and it was too late to tell you I couldn't work.. I didn't go to work that day and I told the manager that "I forgot I had work that day." I know I was lying, but there's no reason for you to start swearing at me... "DON'T BULLSHIT FLORENCE. I NEED YOU TO GO TO WORK." And yeah, I got one warning, but right now, I wish that you had fired me at that moment.

Oh yeah, you still haven't paid me yet. I've been working for three weeks...

You called me again today and told me that I had to work on Saturday and Sunday, fuck. I have a Maths Half-yearly test next Monday, how the fuck am I supposed to study?
And of course, I have to turn up to work...

I am going to fucking quit soon.

To teachers;
Parent teacher interview is tonight. Shit. I am just really worried about Mrs. Mcalona, I don't know what she's going to tell my mum. I actually failed in English, I'm not just saying it. I got 60 something for pretty much all the important assessments. So yeah, I don't want to waste time getting lectured about my mum.

I am just so fucking mad right now. I still haven't started my SRP poster or my geography task, they are both due on Friday. I feel like my life is a mess and it's not even fun anymore. I just want to give up on everything and sit there playing games/watching drama/anime/yaoi all day, everyday.
I wish my life was like an anime/drama/yaoi, the main characters always run into a complication but there's always a resolution. And they all live happily ever after with the one they love.

Will that ever happen to me?
I'd to like believe that it will.
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